How to Prevent Incidents When Working With Earthmoving Equipment

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Hiring Heavy Construction Gear If you are an amateur house builder like me, sometimes you need to call in the big guns to help you with your construction project. If you need to excavate a large hole, dig a trench or to drill boreholes on your property, you will probably need to hire some heavy equipment. I will be posting lots of useful tips on this blog which I hope will help you to get the best deal when it comes to hiring heavy construction gear. I will review the best types of kit for different jobs, transporting the gear to your site, and providing you with information which will help you to keep your workforce safe.



Incident prevention measures are essential in any work environment as they help save lives and prevent injuries. If you are using earthmoving equipment in your worksite, you ought to have such measures to protect your workers. This way, the equipment will be used effectively to help complete the work in time without any shortcomings. Below are some incident prevention tips everyone in your worksite should keep in mind when using heavy construction equipment.

Never exceed the equipment load limits

Every piece of earthmoving equipment you use in your worksite has a load limit that should never be exceeded at any point, even if you want the work to be done swiftly. While the limits vary from one equipment to another, the operators must always know their equipment's load limits. Sometimes, the load limit is determined by the equipment set-up and size, so if the work is slow, consider getting more equipment instead of overloading one machine. Also, the operators must ensure the loads are secured and that the rest of the workers are at a safe distance before moving or lifting the loads.

Keep the operation area clear

Most people like watching how earthmoving equipment work, and if caution isn't exercised, people can get to the operation area. While an experienced operator may be able to continue with their work, the risks will be higher if there are some onlookers, especially around the equipment's blind spots. Do not allow ground operators to work near such areas whenever the machines are in operation. Operators also need to use the right communication channels to warn everyone whenever they get close to the designated operational area.

Fasten the seatbelts

Like ordinary vehicles, earth moving equipment also comes with belts that must be worn whenever the machine is in use. The seatbelts are designed to ensure the operator is firmly secured on the seat when working on rough terrain and protects them when an accident occurs. The seatbelts must be worn at all times, even if it seems unnecessary – you never know when you might need them.

Beware of underground and overhead barriers

Underground and overhead obstructions can pose a danger to the machine operators, so before the machines are used, the area must be inspected. Find out if there are power lines and utility lines before the worker starts the lifting or digging task since this could pose untold risks to the operators. If there are any obstructions, be sure to take some safety measures or contact the utility company so they can come up with an amicable solution.

To learn more about earthmoving equipment, contact an earthmoving contractor in your area.

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