New crane operation rules will help enhance workplace safety

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Hiring Heavy Construction Gear If you are an amateur house builder like me, sometimes you need to call in the big guns to help you with your construction project. If you need to excavate a large hole, dig a trench or to drill boreholes on your property, you will probably need to hire some heavy equipment. I will be posting lots of useful tips on this blog which I hope will help you to get the best deal when it comes to hiring heavy construction gear. I will review the best types of kit for different jobs, transporting the gear to your site, and providing you with information which will help you to keep your workforce safe.



Operating a crane requires training and certification. This ensures that all crane operators on site adhere to safety standards and high levels of performance. As the construction site continues to evolve, crane operators also need updated training courses that can keep up with current trends.

For example, modern cranes consist of automated features that operators need to learn how to use. Furthermore, cranes are being positioned in tighter and narrower spaces (especially in urban areas). Standardised rules and training courses are necessary to ensure that all operators and employees are safe while on site.

There has been a recent push to have all crane operator licences standardised across multiple jurisdictions. The industry would prefer a universal definition for the qualifications and training that operators need. In other words, new and standardised crane rules can further enhance workplace safety.

Some of these proposed rules include:

Giving more power to crane operators

The final decision-maker during crane use should be the crane operator. He/she is the one who is duly trained to determine a safe lift, a risky lift, and an unacceptable lift. Therefore, new rules propose that operators can veto any instructions to perform hazardous lifts on site.

Once trained and licensed, the crane operator should be directly involved in assessing the feasibility of every lift. They should also help determine steps to take in case something goes wrong.

Expanding training to include additional personnel

For many years, crane training and certification would only apply to the operator. New rules now recommend that additional personnel should be conversant with essential crane use and safety regulations. For example, those working near the crane and supervising lifts should also receive thorough training regarding crane operation and safety. In this way, the work environment will consist of professionals who understand essential crane safety standards.

Adapting training programs to emergent hazards in the workplace

The risks that crane operators faced decades ago are different from new threats that have recently emerged. For example, the rising population in urban areas means that buildings are being constructed in smaller spaces using more sophisticated equipment.

Furthermore, new building materials may come with unique risks that construction site personnel may have to deal with. This is why modern training programs should be designed to address emergent risks appropriately.

Crane operators should also be kept up to date with newer technologies. Construction machines that contain automated features enhance workplace safety. But without proper training, you won't be able to enjoy all their associated benefits.

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